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Su gibi git su gibi gel

(Zurich, Switzerland)


“Go as light as water flows, and come back as free flowing as water does”: this Turkish idiom represents a ritual. To say goodbye to family members departing on a journey, the person that stays pours water behind them, a gesture that imbues the farewell with hope for a swift reunion.

This collection of posters invites the viewer on a journey. The photographs, drawings, and collages were developed in various parts of the world. The collected memories bring together cities, routes, and traces, becoming a personal map. Individual storylines are interwoven within a larger context. The project attempts to think up a language for being in the world and its fragility, and to think about what belonging means.




Yeliz Palak works as an artist and filmmaker. She graduated from the Zurich University of the Arts and the University of the Arts Berlin with a specialization in film. Her research-based works have been shown in exhibitions and screenings in various international contexts. Recent projects investigate narratives of migration with an interest in connecting time, place and space in-between.  Yeliz Palak also organizes media workshops for children and young adults to create access to artistic practices.

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